Sunday, September 6, 2009

My major field of study is nursing. More than one category comes to mind when thinking about how technology has affected the medical field. The most obvious one would be technology as objects. Machines allow nurses to monitor patients without even laying hands on them. This is a good thing when you care for a extremely premature baby who does not tolerate physical stimulation. This can be tied into using technology as knowledge and activities. By placing umbilical lines in a newborn vital signs can be monitored, blood can be drawn and fluids administered. In the intensive care nursery different categories of technology are used to create a womb like environment. When a preemie is born they are placed into a Versalet, which a combination of a warmer and isolette or incubator. A temperature probe is then placed on the baby. The Versalet then controls the air temperature based on the temperature of the baby. The baby can also be placed on a K-pad, which a heated water pad. In very low birth weight baby a simpler form of technology is used. A piece of Saran Wrap is placed over the patient. Simple but it works. We must not forget about documentation. Most hospitals are making the switch to computer charting. We are currently undergoing this process at my place of employment. Soon the cardio-respiratory monitors will be connected to the computer recording the vital signs. Gone are the days of paper flow sheets and manually entering the vital signs into the computer. So many categories of technology have affected the medical field. Narrowing it down in the next couple of weeks will be challenging. Wish me luck.


  1. Great post Leah!! I remember my NICU senior project in nursing school - talk about overwhelming. It is a much needed field of nursing, but one in which technology must be a critical element in caring for those little angels!!! Thanks for all you do -- I have had 3 babies in NICU personally!!

  2. Leah,
    I found it interesting to hear about the NICU and it’s technological advances. Saran wrap is a technology in itself! You are right, in the medical field, technological breakthroughs are occurring everyday. I work in a teaching/research hospital where doctors and nurses are on the cutting edge in technology. I look forward to finding out what your final decision will be…there are so many directions one can go. Best wishes.
    Kathy M.

  3. Don't you feel like technology has assisted in increasing the chances of survival as well as increase the quality of care for patients. I certainly do. Technology has definitely been a factor in prolonging our lives. You'll love computer charting by the way, once you get over the overwhelming part.

  4. You bring some valid points to your blog. Technology is wonderful I just hope one day it doesn't completly take us away from the bedside. Now as you pointed out the machines we have to assess vital signs are great and free up our time but they also don't require us to visually assess our patient as often and that is a negative in my opinion. Saying that I definetly don't want to go bac to the days of Florence Nightingale where everything is done by hand.
